Key Note Speaker
With fifteen years of experience in clinical dentistry, seven years in Practice Ownership and over a decade in dental leadership consultancy & coaching, Mike is fast becoming a recognised and sought after industry keynote speaker.
Booked by Universities, Podcast hosts, dental mastermind groups, national events, and courses such as Ashley Latter's Dental Entrepreneurs Course and Chris Barrow's 100 Club. Michael has consulted with 100 practices and his worked can be testified by his clients and colleagues.
Learn from our journey, minimise your mistakes and maximise your potential.
Prepare yourself for a transformative journey of personal and professional growth.
The journey Mike speaks about is based on the
4 Pillars of Possibility
We empower you to build a team of diligent support staff who follow you on the journey.
We deep dive into who you are, who you want to be, who you are serving and how. We then demonstrate hoe to communicate this to everyone & build your brand. Our brand book concept from 2014 is shared far & wide.
command & control
We journey together to help you “Know you Numbers” & “Key Performance Indicators". Access our brand new accountancy division for 2023 and start tracking your money to make informed business decisions with confidence & accuracy.
Are you, your business, it’s people & it’s processes set up for success?