Practice Ownership

At Hesketh Healthcare not only do we consult with Dental Practice Owners all around the UK on Growth & Leadership, we own dental practices too. We Build and Brand alongside you. Learn to build a business that truly serves your vision & goals.

Consultancy from an expert with results that speak for themselves.

Take a look at our track record

Sold Practices:

Live Projects, under Transformation:

Looking to sell your practice & need a buyer?

We only practice straightforward deals, paying all purchase monies up front, no fancy tie-ins or convoluted % ownership splits. We are confident in our ability to run a dental practice with or without the selling clinicians. Stay or leave after sale, the choice is yours. Knowing that the business you’ve painstakingly built, your team and patients are in likeminded hands with their welfare at the forefront of a sustainable business.

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